The Valley Kids Foundation (VKF) is a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization created and maintained by current and past members of Valley of the Sun Active 20-30 Club. All proceeds from the Club's fundraising activities are funneled directly to VKF for disbursement to our beneficiaries. In the past three decades, VKF has raised nearly $2 million with 100% of the funds raised staying here in the Valley to help children's charities that need it most.
Our foundation needs your support in order to grow and reach our full potential. The member of Valley of the Sun Active 20-30 and VKF asks that you share your resources, time, talent and knowledge by becoming a member of Valley of the Sun Active 20-30 Club, and learning what it means for "One never stands so tall as when kneeling to help a child." Alternatively, you can pledge your support by making a donation by attending our signature our events, Wine Soirée and Cinco de VIVA or making a donation below.
Are you part of a non-profit organization supporting children in the Valley of the Sun and interested in being a beneficiary of the Valley Kids Foundation? Submit a grant request below.
Valley Kids Foundation Tax ID Number: #80-0120976